Privacy Policy

At Dazzelcaddy, safeguarding your personal information is our top priority. We are dedicated to using your data responsibly and securely. This Privacy Policy outlines how we collect and utilize your personal information through our website. We encourage you to read this policy thoroughly to understand how we gather, protect, and handle your information. We guarantee that your information will never be sold or shared with third parties without your consent.

What Personal Information Do We Collect?

When you make a purchase or register on our site, we may ask for your name, email address, contact number, mailing address, credit card details, or other relevant information to enhance your experience with us.

When Do We Collect Information?

We collect information from you when you place an order, register on our site, subscribe to updates, contact our Customer Service, or interact with our site in any other meaningful way.

How Do We Use and Store Your Personal Information?

We use the information we collect to:

  • Ensure smooth delivery of your purchases and notify you of any issues.
  • Process your orders and provide updates related to your purchases.
  • Send text notifications regarding delivery status.
  • Personalize your browsing experience based on your preferences.
  • Improve our customer service by responding effectively to your requests.
  • Facilitate quick and secure transaction processing.
  • Request your feedback through ratings and reviews.
  • We retain your information only as long as necessary to fulfill our services or as required by law. Your personal data is protected by SSL encryption, ensuring secure transmission and storage.


We utilize non-personal data, including third-party cookies, to gather statistics that enhance and simplify your website experience. Cookies are stored on your computer's hard drive and help streamline your future visits to our site. Permanent cookies are stored for up to 24 months and can be easily managed or deleted via your browser settings.

Your Rights

You have the right to:
  • Request details about the personal data we hold.
  • Correct or remove any incorrect, incomplete, or irrelevant information.
We are committed to maintaining transparency and ensuring your privacy rights are respected at all times.